Our Story

How It Started

In 2021, our journey began within High Output Ventures as an in-house coaching department, providing guidance and support to its software engineers, tech developers, quality analysts, and designers. In the following year, our passionate team saw the potential to revolutionize and extend coaching services to other businesses and individuals. Thus, the idea of Advante was born.

Spinning Off

Seeing the massive impact of our transformative services, we knew it was time to stand independently. In August 2022, Advante officially became an autonomous coaching agency founded by Alaiza Geene Salcedo, expanding our horizons and strengthening our commitment to empowering individuals and organizations.

Growth and Expansion

Our evolution didn't stop at coaching. Building on the foundation of our coaching expertise, we expanded our horizons, now being a Learning and Development consultancy. We recognized that growth and development encompass not only individual journeys but also the collective growth of organizations. By extending our services to the realm of Learning and Development, we are now equipped to empower entire teams and organizations to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

The Vision Ahead

As we venture forth, Advante aims to redefine the landscape of coaching and learning and development consultancy, making Holistic Transformation Through Experience the hallmark of our services. We envision a world where everyone leads, designs, and creates the professional and personal life they want with our support.

At Advante, we continue to be driven by the passion that sparked our journey in 2021. Our commitment to Holistic Transformation through Experience remains unwavering, and our vision for the future is brighter than ever. Join us as we pave the way for a world where excellence is not just a goal but a way of life, where every individual and organization can reach their full potential, and where the journey is as important as the destination. Welcome to Advante, where your journey to excellence begins.

The Values We Uphold

Integrity and Principles Illustration

Take the High Road

Taking the high road means choosing the morally right path even when it's challenging or unpopular. At Advante, we place utmost importance on ethical behavior, integrity, and making principled decisions.

Growth icon. Profit growing icon. Growing graph symbol.

Onward and Up

Moving onward and upward signifies a commitment to continuous growth and progress. We adopt a growth mindset, seek out learning opportunities, and inspire our clients to pursue their own journeys of improvement.

World Kindness Day with Love Hand with Heart SIgn Empathy Icon, Spread Kindness

Client First

Putting the client first is a cornerstone of Advante. We highly value their needs, goals, and well-being above all else. That is why we do our best to tailor our services to meet the unique requirements of our clients.

Illustration of Family

Better Together

Working together underscores the power of collaboration, teamwork, and synergy. We are open to feedback and acknowledge that collective efforts often lead to superior results.

Hands Holding Star

Always 100%

We are committed to giving our best effort and maintaining a high standard of excellence. We approach our work with dedication, enthusiasm, and a strong work ethic.

Meet the Team

Justine Fiona Tomol


Head of Operations

Jam Divinagracia


Lead Consultant

Hannah Jane Deloy


Business Development Specialist

Mae Angelica Lim

Affiliate Consultant

Mael Jashyn Alvarez

Affiliate Consultant

Start unlocking your team’s potential and improve your overall performance with Advante!

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